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Harness the Power of the
Sun and Make Savings with
My Solar Solution Business

By going solar, you'll be saving time, saving money, and most importantly - saving our planet.

Unlock the Benefits of Solar &
Take Control of your Energy Supply

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What are Solar Panels?

Solar Panels are devices that convert light into electricity. They are composed of photovoltaic cells, which absorb sunlight and create an electric current. This current is then converted into usable electricity, which can be used to power your home or commercial property. With solar panels, you'll be able to reduce your energy bills, save money and protect the environment.

What are the Benefits of Going Solar?

Solar Panels provide a number of advantages, including reducing energy bills, increasing energy efficiency and helping to conserve natural resources. You will be able to harness the power of the sun, providing clean and renewable energy that can be used to power your home or business. Solar Panels will also help to reduce your carbon footprint, making them a great investment for our planet.

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Government Incentives

In the UK, several government incentives are available to help businesses install and maintain solar panels. These incentives can help to reduce the upfront cost of solar panels through 100% tax breaks and energy buy back schemes, making going solar more accessible and affordable. With these incentives, you can get the most out of solar energy, save money, and protect our planet.

The Features & Benefits of Solar Energy

Easy to install

Solar panels can be quickly and easily installed on most properties, allowing homeowners to begin enjoying the benefits of solar energy almost immediately.

Cost savings

By installing solar panels, you can reduce your electricity costs significantly over time

Maximum efficiency

With new advances in technology, solar panels can now be designed to provide maximum efficiency with minimal space used. This means that even a small installation can generate significant amounts of power for the property.

Reduce your carbon footprint 

By generating your own electricity from renewable sources, you'll be helping to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and playing your part in saving the planet.

Increased property value 

Installing solar panels on your home may increase its value by up to 4.1%

Power independence

Solar power systems are independent of electricity companies and not subject to their rates. This means homeowners and business owners can rely on their own systems for power even during times of high demand.

Installing Solar Panels
Solar Panels

Start your clean Energy Journey
With My Solar Solutions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the benefits of switching to solar power for commercial businesses in the UK?
    Solar power is a renewable energy source that can be used to generate electricity without producing any emissions. Solar panels are very efficient in the UK and do not need direct sunlight to work. Solar power can help businesses reduce their energy bills and save money in the long run. Installing solar panels in a commercial building has many environmental benefits, as it reduces carbon emissions and helps reduce the dependence of businesses on fossil fuels. Solar power can also be used to generate self-sustaining energy, leading to greater energy independence for businesses.
  • Are there any tax incentives that can offset the cost of installing solar panels?
    Businesses in the UK may be able to take advantage of a tax break by investing in qualifying plant and machinery, including solar panels, before 31 March 2023. For solar investments, businesses are eligible for a 50% First Year Allowance which reduces their Corporation Tax liability. This means that companies will only have to pay taxes on their operating profits minus 50% of the value of their solar investment.
  • What size system is best suited for a commercial business?
    When it comes to selecting the best system size for a commercial business, there are several factors to consider. The size of the business, its budget, and the type of operations it performs will all play a role in determining which system is best suited for its needs. Generally speaking, small businesses with fewer than 100 employees may benefit from a smaller commercial system, while larger enterprises may require more complex systems. It is important to note that the cost of a system can vary significantly depending on its size and complexity. Smaller systems tend to be more affordable and easier to maintain than larger ones. However, they may not offer as many features or be as reliable as larger systems. Larger systems often come with additional features and higher levels of reliability but can be more expensive upfront and require more maintenance over time. Ultimately, when selecting a system size for a commercial business, it is important to consider the company’s budget and operational needs in order to make an informed decision that will provide long-term value.
  • Are there any long-term maintenance or service costs associated with solar energy systems?
    Solar energy systems require very little maintenance and service over the long term. Generally, solar panels are made of tempered glass, anodized aluminium and have no moving parts, so they don't need to be serviced regularly. However, it is recommended that you do a yearly check of your commercial solar power system to make sure everything is working correctly and get your panels cleaned for optimum performance. My Solar Solutions offers maintenance and repair services for solar panels if needed. Overall, the cost of maintaining a solar energy system is relatively low compared to other sources of energy. By taking proper care of your system, you can ensure that it will continue to provide clean and renewable energy for years to come.
  • Is there a way to measure how much energy my commercial business is generating from solar power?
    Yes, there are a few ways to measure how much energy your commercial business is generating from solar power. One way is to use a solar meter, which measures the amount of electricity produced by your solar panels. Another way is to use your utility bills to track your energy usage over time. If you have a solar power system, you should see a decrease in your energy usage and an increase in your electric bill savings. You can also talk to My Solar Solutions about installing a monitoring system, which can give you real-time data on your energy production. Measuring the amount of energy your commercial business generates from solar power is important to ensure that you are getting the most out of your investment. By tracking your energy usage and electric bill savings, you can make sure that your solar power system is working effectively and providing long-term value.
  • What factors should I consider when determining if my building is suitable for a solar energy system installation?
    You should check to see if your roof or land gets adequate sunlight throughout the year. You should also ensure that the location of your solar panels will allow them to receive direct sunlight and not be obstructed by trees or other objects. Additionally, you should check to make sure that your property has the correct wiring and metering requirements for a solar installation. Always consult with an expert installer to determine which type of system and materials are right for your property. Making sure that your building is suitable for a solar energy system installation is important in order to get the most out of your investment. With the right setup, you can maximise the efficiency of your solar power system and ensure that it provides reliable clean energy for years to come.
  • What kind of regulations and requirements do I need to consider before installing a solar system on my property?
    Before installing a solar system on your commercial property in the UK, there are several regulations and requirements that you need to consider. Firstly, you need to make sure that you have planning permission from your local authority if it is required. You should also have an accredited installer install your system and only use approved equipment and materials. Additionally, you must register your feed-in tariff (FIT) with Ofgem within three months of installing the system. It is important to make sure that your solar panels comply with all electrical safety standards set out by the government. Understanding the regulations and requirements associated with installing a solar energy system in the UK can help ensure that your investment goes smoothly and provides long-term value for years to come.
  • Do I need planning permission for solar panels on a commercial building?
    Yes, if you want to install solar panels on a commercial building in the UK, you will need to obtain planning permission from your local authority. You should also check with your local council for any specific regulations or restrictions that may apply. You will need to make sure that your solar installation meets all of the electrical safety standards set out by the government. Getting the necessary planning permission and making sure that all applicable regulations are met can help ensure that your commercial solar system is safe and efficient and provides long-term value for your business.
  • Is there a difference between residential and commercial solar panels?
    Yes, there are differences between residential and commercial solar panels. Generally, commercial solar systems are larger than residential systems in order to maximise power output and meet the higher energy demands of businesses. Commercial solar systems must also meet stricter electrical safety standards than residential systems, as the risk of a malfunction is higher with a system of this size. Additionally, commercial solar systems often require additional approvals from local authorities such as planning permission or building regulations approval.
  • What is the lifespan of solar panels?
    The typical lifespan of solar panels is between 20-25 years. During this time, the efficiency of the solar panel will reduce slightly but if it is properly maintained and cared for, it can maintain its original level of efficiency for a long period of time.
  • What maintenance is required for solar panels?
    Maintenance of solar panels is relatively simple and should be done on a regular basis. This includes cleaning the panels, checking the electrical connections and wiring, inspecting for any signs of damage, and ensuring that there are no obstructions blocking the sunlight from reaching the solar panel. Additionally, it is important to check that the inverter is functioning correctly.
  • Is there any additional paperwork that needs to be completed after installation?
    After installation, it is important to complete the required paperwork for your specific solar panel system. This paperwork will include the manufacturer's warranty, the amount of electricity generated by the panels, and any other information needed to claim incentives or rebates from your utility provider if applicable. Additionally, it may be necessary to file certain documents with your local government or taxing authority in order to be eligible for certain benefits associated with solar energy. Your My Solar Solution advisor can help you find out any additional requirements.
  • How much will solar panel maintenance cost?
    The cost of solar panel maintenance can vary depending on the system. Typically, regular cleaning and inspections are minimal and can be done by the owner or a professional service at little to no cost. Other repairs or upgrades may require a fee depending on the complexity of the work involved, but this is typically much lower than what it would cost to replace an entire solar panel system.
  • How often do solar panels need servicing?
    Solar panels typically need to be serviced every five to ten years. During these services, the solar panel technician will check for any damage that could reduce the system's efficiency, clean the panels and adjust their angle if needed. Depending on the type of solar panel system you have, more frequent servicing may be required in order to keep your system running optimally.
  • Can you buy solar panels and install them yourself?
    It is recommended that an experienced technician performs the installation to ensure it is done correctly. Additionally, investing in a professional installer may also provide additional warranty coverage and maintenance options.
  • How long does it take for solar panels to be installed?
    The amount of time needed for a solar panel installation will depend on the size and complexity of the system. On average, most installations require one to three days of work by an experienced technician.
  • How are solar panels attached to the roof?
    Solar panels in the UK are typically attached to the roof using either clamps or brackets. The specific method will depend on the type of roof and the size and weight of the solar panels.
  • Will solar panels damage my roof?
    Solar panels will not damage your roof, but it is important to use the correct mounting systems so that the installation does not cause any kind of damage. Also, if you have a flat roof, make sure the mounting system is designed to properly handle the weight of the solar panels to prevent sagging and cracking.
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